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Strategic Planning Workshop

August 23-24, 2014


LCPCS’s success will depend primarily on our ability to come together as a community and support our students together. A major step in that direction will be the creation of a Strategic Plan that recognizes that and takes all viewpoints into consideration. With that in mind, LCPCS is engaging in its Strategic Planning process with the goal of completing a five year plan to begin January 1, 2015. A big chunk of that work will be done at this two day workshop on August 23 and 24 and you are invited!


Everyone is welcome but there are a limited number of seats. Ideally we would like to get even representation from each one of our stakeholder groups: students, families, staff, faculty and community.


Saturday, August 23 and Sunday, August 24 from 8:30am to 3:30pm each day. Participants must be able to commit to attending both days of the workshop.


Please register by Wednesday, August 20th via our Strategic Planning Workshop event page so we can get an accurate count for lunch:

Eventbrite - LCPCS Strategic Planning Workshop



Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Call Kahele at 808.962.2200 x224 or email [email protected].

Aloha Strategic Planning Workshop Participants!

We've included information here to help you prepare for this weekend's workshop. If you have a chance to look through the documents and data that would be helpful to give you some background knowledge. Most important of all, please come with an open heart and mind so that we may all effectively contribute to Building a GREAT Community School that Lives Aloha...Where Every Student is Known and Valued.


2-Day Agenda

Day One

8:00                                        Registration Open

8:30                                        Gallery Walk

9:00                                        Agenda Preview & Opening Presentation

9:30                                        Director Presentation

10:00                                     SWOT Analysis

11:30                                     Lunch

12:30                                     SWOT continued

1:30                                        Vision & Mission

2:00                                        Closing

Day Two

8:00                                        Registration Open

8:30                                        Gallery Walk

9:00                                        Review and Preview

9:30                                        Strategic Themes

10:00                                     1-3-5 SMART Objectives

11:30                                     Lunch & Objective Feedback

12:30                                     Objective Refinement

2:00                                              Closing



Support Materials

Historical Document

Current Documents & Data

Education Articles